“In our business, being organised is central to everything we do. Streamline helps all of us keep organised, stay focused and get the job done.”

The Problems of Doing Business

So, what is the key problem or stumbling block that stops you from doing business?


Streamline Solution


Internal Communication – “I never saw the memo”, “I didn’t know” and other similar statements are heard commonly.

By standardising your communication in a shared environment you get every all your team members singing off the same page. No misunderstandings. No excuses.

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Accountability – “it’s not my responsibility”, “someone else was doing it”, “I forgot”.


Tasks are allocated and kept alive until they are resolved.Streamline coaches users to play like a team

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Time – “there is never enough time in a day”, “we never know where anyone is”, meetings cancelled and starting late


Do it right the first time! Communicate efectively - once. Stop the hundreds of meetings and get time for actual work! Book time in the shared diary and access others members diraries to book them.

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No consistency – everyone has their own way of doing things, things go wrong because no-one follows the correct process


Standardised Processes easily be set up to ensure that the task is done in the way that it should be.

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Performance – it is difficult to maintain consistent performance levels and measure progress


The reports in Streamline provide feedback and can graphically show what needs to be done.  You manage what you measure.

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Access – I need access to everything from everywhere without needing multiple devices and bulky equipment


Streamline can be accessed over the web from your phone, PDA, laptop or from an internet café.

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Filing and Administration – with all the incoming and outgoing communication, proposals, reports, etc., the paper and electronic data in our company is a mess!

External Communication – “I left messages and no-one got back to me”, "we need to send information to our clients but they don't get back to us."



Track, deliver and archive all documents – quotes, images, faxes, emails, scans and any other electronic files - that flow into, out of, or within the organisation through Streamline.

With a centralised contact directory and filing approach, Streamline makes it simple to update client information whenever you make contact with a client, send out SMS and email campaigns or notifications. And keeps the ball in OUR hands!

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Streamline solves your problems through changing the way you do business.  A software tool alone will not result in success – which is why the implementation and change management surrounding Streamline is the core of our achievement.

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