“From having a limited work flow process system before, Streamline now takes care of our client database, portfolio allocation and client records – all at a reasonable price." Matthew Wray of Statucor

Win-win approach

One of the core ideas of a task is that the task stays open until all stakeholders know about and are happy with the outcome. We call this the win-win approach. There are a number of powerful spin-offs of this:

  • Streamline results in improved efficiency and savings in resources. There is less duplication and repetition.

  • Tasks always come back to the initiator - which means that feedback and quality control is built into the communication loop.

  • Interactive, multiparty communication is achieved and everyone can see the big picture.

  • Streamline becomes the central storage point for all information in the organization: Everyone we deal with, everything we do (or should do) for them, and every supporting document, can be found in Streamlne

  • As the system is web based, all this info is available to your team wherever they are - in the office, at a remote branch, at home - even on their cellphone!
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